How does sexual attraction fit in to the ';love'; equaztion, how much do you have to have, or do you even have to have it? WHat if you don't have it, or lost it, and have been feeling it towards someone else, is that your fault? And is it the end of the love you had? Do you have to start a new love? Or being sexually attracted to someone else, has it already started itself?Maybe I do love my husband and I've just lost my sexual attraction to him?
Maybe you can look for herbal medicine in the internet, order some and try it. Don't tell your husband what you are feeling.
Good luck to you.Maybe I do love my husband and I've just lost my sexual attraction to him?
So, you got married at the age of twelve about a week ago then right???
Do you know that it's a fact that you can fall out of love with someone but still love that same person? Well it's true. And maybe that is where you're at with your husband. That's about as easy as I can explain it to you.
Love is not just a ';feeling'; it is an act, an action, and a commitment. I am married and pregnant with my second child [the first one was planned, this one, not so much] but I am constantly tired, and 75% of the time do not feel sexual attraction to my husband. However, I love him, and no matter how mad he makes me, I will continue to love him, because I vowed to for the rest of my life [unless he abuses me or my children, or cheats]. We still have sex, because I know he is still sexually attracted to me. But it should not only be based on looks and feelings.
That's when y'all talk about bringing in another couple. Well if that's not your thing after a while you have to look at trying different idea's in the bedroom to keep things interesting. Talk to your man ask him if he has any unfulfilled fantasies and you talk to him about yours. Attraction and excitement doesn't have to end after a few years it just does if you don't put the effort into it.
Love and sex are two very different things. We humans try to put them together and call it marriage or a relationship. But the fact remains that each of these things can be very separate.
U can fall in or out of love. U can be attracted to someone sexually whether U R in love with them or not.
If U R committed to a relationship U try to work thru the times when U R not ';in love'; or sexually attracted to a mate until U work things out. This is what marriage is about.
Only U can decide if marriage is your long term goal.
There are multiple benefits to long term relationships, so decide which is more important -- sex in a relationship or sex out of the bounds of marriage.
U can love someone who is not your perfect sexual fantasy -- so work on it.
Marriage is hard work, and sometimes sexual connections within that context are hard too.
It is your choice how hard U want to work on this.
Look at the BIG picture of your life and decide.
';Maybe i love my husband'; .... !? really? wow. well honey, when some one is COMPLETELY in love with some one, they're pretty much the only person (of the opposite sex) that exists to them. dating other men i use to lust after and be sexually attracted to other guys, but after i met my husband i never even wanted or noticed any other men. so i guess it just depends on how in love you are, missy. and 'maybe' loving your husband is painfully obviously not enough certainty to tell if you even do at all.
Love is more than just a physical attraction. If you have been married for a short time than it is possible you jumped into marriage to soon. As you get older and more involved with your husband physical attraction will wain and there will only be what some say is true love. Look at a couple who has been married for 50 years. I'm sure physical attraction isn't all there but you learn to love someone for more than just looks. You have to dig deep and ask yourself, why did I get married? I don't believe that there is some pill that will make you attracted to your husband you're just going to have to find other reasons or ways that you are attracted to him.
Love for your spouse should be a total thing!! The good and the bad!
Physical attraction is a mind game! Does another males have something different than your husband? Does another women have something different than you? NO to both questions!!
When you love some one, it should be with mind and body! If the mind is truly in love with that person it will give you the sexual pleasure you want, need, and in your case crave! It's the biggest sex organ of either sexes!!! Start using it!!!
Some people only love the physical and become disillusioned when something happens to it than either makes it different or unusable, and it always does!!
When you love your spouse the mind let's you see things about that person, no one else can see!! The down side to that is the opposite!
I'm just guessing here, but I think your looking at life from the physical. The physical will always fade away! It breaks down, rust, rots, burns, melts, droops, etc...!! It will happen to everyone! Even you!! (sorry)
lets get someday together sweets , I spice up your life
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