Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How far apart are your kids? What do you think is the perfect age gap between kids?

I am just wondering. I have 2 children my daughter just turned 5 yesterday and my son is almost 18 months old. My husband and I are wanting to have more children. I kind of want to start trying now, but my husband wants to wait for another year that way our kids will be at least 3 years apart. What do you think?? If I were to conceive within the next month or two my son would be about 2 years old when I had our next child. Is that a good age gap?How far apart are your kids? What do you think is the perfect age gap between kids?
I have three son's who are all three years apart.

My sons are nine years old, six years old, and three years old.

I don't think there is a perfect age gap between siblings

every family is different. My sister and I are eight years apart

(same parents of course) and my husband and his (2) brothers are all two years apart from each other. My husband and his brothers are close, my sister and I have never been that close (I am older).

I am so thankful and happy that it took me two years to get pregnant every time (most women would be stressed out about it). I had three c-sections and my body was able to recover from the surgery before having the next son. I am pregnant with baby # 4 and after this I am finally going to use some sort of birth control!How far apart are your kids? What do you think is the perfect age gap between kids?
my kids are: 25,22, and see, it's never too late!
I like the idea of them being 2-3 years apart. Much more than that and they will have a hard time playing together. My sister and brother and I were all 2 years apart. My husband and his brother are 2 years apart.
My kids are 6, 3, 6months and expecting, Three years is really good!!
My children will be 2 years apart (my daughter is currently 2 and our 2nd baby is due in March). I think that 2 years is a perfect age difference because they are still close enough in age where they can relate to eachother and play with eachother and are usually interested in playing the same types of imaginitive games as little kids. My little bro and I are 2 years apart and we always have been and still are best friends. We played together all of the time and had a blast!
It doesn't matter what anyone thinks but your husband and you when it comes to your children. My oldest just turned 14, then I have a 12 yr old and a 3 month old.
I think 2-3 yrs is good. Me and my sister are 6 years apart and i cant stand to be around here, shes always been a ******
I just had my first baby in August and I'm almost 10 weeks with my 2nd.

I think it depends on the parents of how far apart they want their children to be. Did I plan this? Absolutely not. Although, some parents do. It just really depends. I wanted to wait at least 7 years to have my 2nd child but, it didn't work my way. lol
I have a four-year-old and a six-year-old.
I think it should be what ever's comfortable to you and your hubby. Our kids have a five year age gap. And we're planning on trying again in another five years. I think two to five years is plenty because then the older siblings have time to adjust to being big brother or sister and you'll have live in helpers! lol Can't beat that. Any earlier than that, I think it'll be rough on the older child(ren) because they haven't had their chance to be the baby for a long time. Know what I mean?
my brothers 16

im 13

my twin brothers are 6

i like our age gap.

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