Three things can help reduce blood pressure.
1) being no more than your ideal weight
2) taking vigorous exercise regularly
3) lowering salt intake and perhaps using 'Lo-salt'.
Unfortunately even using all three will seldom normalise it, once the disease is established.
There are also dozens of different drug groups each containing many different individual drugs, now available to treat BP. No one is upset by all of them.How can my husband control high blood pressure without medication?
The omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to lower cholesterol and subsequently control high blood pressure. Eat oily fish like sardines, salmon, mackerel, at least 2 times a week.
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well I had blood pressure since last few months, and there was 550 trglyceride in blood report,,, due to regular use of green tea,,,it come down at 155 only i,,,,still my treatment is going down,, as well as black seed very usefull..just take only 7 days before breafast,,GOD IS GREAT,, ARIF
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He should clearly exercise and reduce salt BUT don't blame him if it doesn't come down with those measures! Sometimes high BP is genetic and very hard to control. I'm young and a healthy weight and have battled high BP since high school (when I was a tall 110 pound thing). He can also try to avoid caffeine but if he needs medicine, he shouldn't feel like a failure - there are so many to try, don't let him give up. He may need to take it with food or use an extended release formula. If it could be stress or anxiety related, check into ';Resperate'; - it is drug free!
Diet and exercise can do wonders. Make sure his weight is within normal reccomendations. There are also a lot of medications out there for BP so maybe a change in meds would help. He should not stop taking the meds without consulting a Dr. If the BP is just slightly elevated lifestyle changes can make the difference. Stop smoking, not too much alcohol and reduced salt can help too. LOL.
Listen to Lori K she is absolutely right!
there is ahrebal remedy that I got for my dad from the local herbalist for high blood pressure, It contained mistletoe, vitamin e and garlic. Its sepcifically for that problem so ask about it at your local herbalist. He would need to take it everyday for probably 4 - 6 wks before he notices any effect. also stay away from salt as much as poss, I advise a 75mg dose of aspirin a day aswell as people with high blood pressure are more likely to have strokes. Aspirin is great at preventing strokes. Actually I advise everyone to have 75 mg of aspirin a day as due to the stressful lifestyle we tend to lead nowa days alot of people mould benefit from this preventitive measure. Plus they recently found out aspirin is good for preventing cancer too! Also exercise, don't stress and cut down on the fats and red meats.
Your husband can control hypertension without going down the slippery slope of conventional drugs with all the side effects.
Please, please consider consulting a Homoeopath. I treat a LOT of patients with hypertension - some have presented with extremely high readings. All are fed up with conventional medicines %26amp; the side effects %26amp; after some treatment with homeoopathy, their blood pressure is within normal limits %26amp; well controlled. Visit to find a registered practitioner local to you. I assure you that you will get good results but you need to bear in mind that the treatment is about finding the correct homoeopathic remedy for you with your blood pressure problems %26amp; not about finding a remedy for your blood pressure. His hypertension is a RESULT of an underlying imbalance %26amp; it's this that needs treatment. Conventional medicine fails to understand this point entirely. I have many, many satisfied ex-hypertensive patients who are very pleased not to have to take drugs any more.
Special diets and exercise can help lower the bp. One warning is that certain meds can raise bp. Sudafed is one in particular that does. Check the labels of any food and sometime body products....some deodorants will say ';may raise bp'; There are some great guide books on the market.
Good luck to you both!!
eat healthier, exercise, NO SALT, have less stress, %26amp; you MAY want to take medication if it gets too out of hand.
Exercise daily and stop eating salt. I would check with his doctor, mine gave me a hand out, not sure where it is.
Throw away the salt shaker.
Cook from scratch.
Follow the glycemic index diet.
Exercise for at least one half hour
every day for the rest of his life!
Do all the healthy lifestyle bits + try different medications. There's tonnes of meds for high bp. ';Suck it and see'; which one works for him.
The only way to control high blood pressure and to stay away from medication is through diet and exercise. It may not take away all the medication but it will definitely help.
More people today cook at home less than when I was growing up. Proper meals made at home also help. You dont have to sacrifice good taste for healthy foods.
I was about 270 pounds 4 years ago and used to wear a size 38w pants that were snug. Through the right exercise program for me and a good diet i dropped down to 215 pounds and a 34 waist. The key is making a plan a sticking to it. You can still have all the foods you enjoy but how much and how often play a big part.
As with any exercise program start at a comfortable pace and keep regular check-ups with his doctor. As time goes on he will see a difference in appearance and feel a whole lot better.
I hope this works or is at least one avenue he can try. It worked for me. Don't look for fast results, look for positive results and they will come. Have agreat weekend.
A great way to lower your blood pressure and combat the corrosive effects of plaque buildup is to exercise. Studies have shown that sedentary lifestyles tend to elevate blood pressure, while regular exercise can reduce it.
I also suggest staying away from sodium (ex: salt)
Another important way is to make sure he does not smoke or drink alcohol.
With these 3 important steps I'm sure he could combat high blood pressure.
He could try losing weight if he's overweight. Some people with hypertension can lower their blood pressure by cutting their sodium intake -- but this doesn't always work. If he can't decrease his blood pressure through diet, the only proven wasy is through medication. There are many types of BP medication on the market, and most likely, not all of them will cause side effects in your husband. He should discuss this with his doctor.
Na,,,,, you have to reduce Na intake. which we known as salt. if your husband having high sodium food. it may cause to high blood pressure. please follow the nutrition panel on the purchase of food from super markets.
make sure to select No saturated fats and trans fats for side effects as CVD.
I heard of eating fresh Garlic is good for too get ride of High blood pressure and also red wine, and excires. Good health .
It takes a while to get the proper medications AND to allow your body time to get used to them. Going without medication could cause him to stroke out or have a heart attack. I wouldn't suggest it.
Excersise and eat healthy
I got mine under control by doing these things,weight is a big factor,so I cut out lots of carbs in my diet,losing twenty pounds,cut back on meat,lots more vegtables,and eating a couple of sticks of celery seemed to help the most.I've been off the medicine for four years now,a banana a day helps also with lots of essential nutrients.Good luck to him,also if you don't have a blood pressure Gage get one and use it to see how its working.
I would highly recommend that he speak to his doctor. There are MANY blood pressure lowering medications out there, it is probably just a matter of finding the right one for your husband.
Just using diet alone isn't very effective for lowering blood pressure. He really needs proper medication.
There are several different blood pressure medications available, such as Norvasc, Benicar, etc. If one doesn't work, there should be another that does. High blood pressure can be deadly. It can cause a stroke or heart attack. It also puts a lot of pressure on the heart, eyes and kidneys and very often seems to be accompanied by high cholesterol.
Therefore, it is to his benefit to see his doctor again to seek out something that works well for him. It is possible that he got a dosage that is too strong for him. He can accentuate the medicine by avoiding salt altogether. He should avoid grapefruit juice, limit use of coffee, regular tea, carbonated beverages, licorice, cold cuts, msg, anything that contains a lot of sodium. Helpful products are: Pomegranate juice, Jamaican June plum juice, ginger tea, 1 glass of red wine with meals, raspberry tea (decaffeinated) and aerobic activity (swimming, speed walking, treadmill workout.)
I wish I could tell you that he can control it without medication, but he would be taking a serious risk. Strokes are the major cause of disability in the US. Weight loss, and diet modification are the only home remedies, but that takes time to accomplish. In the meantime, he has to take the medicine.
Tell him not to take too much pickles and things containing more calories like bananas,etc.I think this can help to a certain extent.Pl dont be worried with this prob.If u want still more details u can consult a doctor about it.
well without medication comes meditation every morning at 6 at grassy ground do meditation and is possible even blood pressure will become normal and everything will be fine
no fat diet ,aviod frying,lot of green leaf vegetables.drink lot of water.lunch and dinner should be mild.excercise regularly like,walking.good luck.
BORING BUT TOO TRUE. I'm living proof.
Try half an hour to an hour of brisk walking or exercise a day. Cut out oils, fats, red meat, fried foods and reduce alcohol intake. Take half an Aspirin a day (ask Dr 1st).
Reduce stress. Try some relaxation techniques e.g. listen to fav music in headphones for half an hour a day and just breathe in %26amp; out DEEPLY.
MAKE TIME to do these things. My pressure dropped within a month from 150 over 90 to 117 over 80.
dt yell stay away form stress eat yougert and not sugery foods
Meditation and massage therapy can help him deal with the stress and strain on his body, teach him to relax and change his diet to what the nutritionist recommends. It won't be an easy transition, but those in combination with a regular exercise regiment should help him.
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